A beautiful way to start and end the day, listening to the ocean and watching the sunrise and sunset.
Daily Class/365 days a year!
Daily Class, 365 days a year! April to October 7am and 6pm November to March 7am and 5pm
3rd Street and Ocean Drive, Miami Beach. Once you get to 3rd/Ocean walk through the park onto the beach. We meet at the lifeguard hut.
Classes are by donation (cash)
Please reflect your enjoyment of the class in your donation.
Join the community
Way back in 1998, October Rose - a newly certified yoga teacher - began her day practicing yoga on the beach at 3rd Street. Over time, a few local beach lovers joined in and before she knew it she was leading classes every morning and evening.
The word spread, local teachers offered to assist and 3rd Street Beach Yoga was born.
In 2008 October Rose moved to India, but her legacy lives on. Our mission is to ensure yoga is accessible and remains affordable to everyone 365 days a year.
Classes are all donation based. Our teachers offer yoga from the heart and do not get paid. Please reflect your enjoyment of the class in your donation.

Get in Touch
Email us for further questions or to request a private class: 3rdstreetbeachyoga@gmail.com